perjantai 20. marraskuuta 2015


Seatrout season is on and it was great to start it with our Finnish CWS members.  Early in the morning we headed to the coast, and took our direction to the small islands and shoals.
Because of a bad situation of the seatrout population in Finland, it can be pretty challenging to find fish. The weather conditions and the water level should be exactly right at that moment. I think that’s one of the reasons why seatrout fishing is such an addictive part of fly fishing.  It might be pretty difficult but the price of hard work is a huge at the end. 
That day, we had pretty calm winds and occasionally the sun was shining.  It made us feel comfortable but it wasn’t so good for searching fish.  Even with the wind and the power of the sea were getting harder on the afternoon, we couldn’t catch any seatrout from the potential places. Only couple of fish came to carefully try our flies but we couldn’t land them. 
After changing place many times and fishing effectively many different watersides and reefs, we decided to give up and try our luck with pikes.  Water was muddy in our first pike- spot and big breams swam out of our boats way. We saw pike plunges here and there.  Our hope was rising.  We had some takes for everyone of us and we managed to get some pikes.  No really big ones but after thousands empty seatrout cast it felt pretty good to have a fish on.  In the second place the water was clear and some small pikes showed themselves.  At this time of the year sunset is comes already after four o’clock so we needed to hurry up back to the mainland before darkness would fall.
Although, we couldn’t find our primary target, seatrout this time, the day was really nice.  I was struggling with my broken toe and one of us had a flu. But is there any better medicine than a fresh autumn air and a hot coffee on the rock in the middle of the sea? I don’t think so.  Maybe the next time a seatrout will crown our trip.  But that will be another story.

maanantai 12. lokakuuta 2015

What ever floats your boat - The inflatable kayak story


In my fishing history I have tried all kinds of floating devices from boats, float tubes to pontoon boats etc. I mainly fish on the ocean and near the beaches so a boat seemed too much and too expensive. I decided to sell my boat about 12 years ago and change to something easier and more compact as I live in an apartment not too close to the shore.

6 years ago I got into fly fishing for pikes and at the same time I got my first float tube which I actually still have and use after many years. It is perfect for short distances and close to the shoreline but for longer trips it has proven to be too slow.

Couple of years later I got the master plan to buy a pontoon boat that was on a good sale. This thing made moving easier but because of the metal frame that easily get rusty in seawater and the difficult assembly, I decided to sell it after a while. This left me with a float tube but nothing that could be used for longer trips and faster moving.

This is when I really started to check out fishing kayaks that I had tried the first time in the Bahamas. They made for easy and fast moving for longer distances and could take a little bit of weather also.

The fishing kayaks were just starting to arrive to Finland and I was researching hard to find one that would suit me. The major problem seemed to be the size and weight of the plastic kayaks. There was no way I could fit a 2,5 meter long kayak in my car or our storage room. This was when I found the first inflatable kayaks in a fishing fair at Helsinki. These seemed to sort out the space and size issue but would they actually work as a tool for some real fishing. I did my research and finally ended up buying a SeaEagle inflatable fishing kayak. It had some great reviews from a lot of people so I thought I couldn't go badly wrong with it. 

The kayak has been in use for 2 years now and I've been very happy with it. It packs the same size as my Fishcat float tube which is quite small for a full size kayak that can carry over 130kg. I've been using it for pike and seatrout fishing mostly and also for just paddling around new pieces of water.
It is a very well made craft that is easy to paddle even for longer periods.

My idea has also been that I might even be able to take this kayak to a foreign destination. Its weight is only 14kg when it's dry and backed so it shouldn't be a problem to take it with me on a plane as an extra bag. I just need to find somewhere to fly first so I can test my idea.

As this is not an actual review of the kayak but just my thoughts on it I must say that there is a place for float tubes and for kayaks. I still love to use both in different types of areas and waters. It's fall right now as I'm writing this and the water is getting really cold and fast. The kayaks best feature over float tubes has to be the part where you don't need to stick your feet under water for several hours. As I'm getting older the part of getting cold does not appeal to me that much anymore :)

If anyone would like to know more about the kayak or other inflatables I've used, please contact us through our Facebook site



torstai 20. elokuuta 2015

Call of the north

For any flyfisherman who has ever fished in the extremely beautiful northern parts of Finland, Sweden or Norway the sentence "Call of the north" should be well known. With the fishing season being so short up north especially for salmon there is only 3 good months to do it. This means a lot of people hear the call and get the salmon fever way before the actual season starts. The same happened with me and my three friends this year. We decided to do this years trip a little differently. Normally we rent a cabin close to a nice river and move around with cars but this time we were planning to hike to a river, sleep in tents and do the moving around with our feet.
We are not experienced hikers so we decided that the river should not be too far from the road but just enough that it would keep away some of the other salmon fishermen.

The destination river we came up with is in northern Norway or Finnmark as it is called by the locals. Only one of us had ever fished the river so it was quite exciting for the rest of us to hear the stories from our friends trips. The stories did little to help with the salmon fever building up and it was still months before the season even started. So we decided to get ready and prep ourselves for the trip. This meant getting a lot of new gear and running around in many stores but it felt like doing something related to the actual trip. This made time go faster and the trip got closer and closer each day.

On Saturday 18th of July we all meet on Helsinki-Vantaa airport with our huge bags and backpacks. We were ready to go. We took a quick flight to Rovaniemi and continued by car up north.

The first night we camped in Utsjoki and a quick trip to River Teno. Not too much more to tell you about that but it was fun to get our gear out after a long wait.

The next day we drove to Finnmark and started the hard walk towards our destination. I was prepared to sweat a little because of the walk and heavy backpack but I was surprised of the hard climbs and rocky paths we had to take. It took us hour and a half to get to the river so I figured that was ok for a first timer.

The hard walk was quickly forgotten when we finally saw the beautiful little river and our campsite for the week. I had to hold back my urge to just grab my rod and running to the river. We still needed to prepare our camp and eat something before fishing. After everything was set we finally got our gear out and got down to business. The water level was very low so the only good choice was a one hand rod and a floating line. My friend who had been fishing on the river before let us know that only smaller flies would be needed from size 6 and down to 12. Picking which fly was also easy with his advice so we got everything ready in a record time and made our way to the river.

That first night did not give us any fish and the low water seemed to be a real challenge we would need to tackle through the week. The next morning I was up and fishing before everyone else and there seemed to be nobody else on the river from any of the other camps. So I got to fish one the best pools just by myself. It took me three casts before a fish showed itself. A nice fish around 5 kilos or so jumped in the end of the pool. I made my cast just right and my fly went swinging right past its nose. The fish took it with a fierce strike and then all hell broke loose. Even though the fish wasn't that big it was still fresh from the run and very strong. My eightweight rod was bent to the max as I fought with the silver devil. The fish got me running and doing all sorts of tricks before it finally was ready be pulled on the beach. It was a great feeling to start the trip with a good fish like this and on a singlehand rod.

My fight had drown some attention from the nearby camp and so I got some help with the photos. It's always nice to get better pics then I could have gotten with my Gopro so thanks for that guys.

This first fish really made my trip and after that everything else fell into place. I landed a couple of fish every day along our 5 day trip there. Nothing too big but from 1kg to 5kg. I saw much bigger fish also but they were not playing. For me this was the best salmon fishing trip I have ever had. I'm not really experienced on the art of salmon flyfishing so to get 6 Salmon and 2 Seachar on the same trip was amazing.

My numbers might have been even better but I used a lot of my time exploring the beautiful river which was close to 30km long and our camp was located on the midsection of it. I took a walk upstream and down just to see what the river was like and boy was I surprised how much the pools changed. The pools upstream were clear and deep with a lot of elevation. A lot of the bigger fish I saw swam in these pools and I was really close to getting a nice 10kg fish to take my sunray shadow on one these pools. Just the sheer beauty of the pools was so impressive that I ended up staying upstream the whole day. I could easily see why most of the camps are in the upper areas of the river.

I also took a walk down stream and yet again I was surprised with the different pools. Here the pools were also quite deep but also long and with less current. These were searun pools proved to have a lot of fish but they also saw a lot of action from the local fishermen. The biggest and the best known pool had around 100 Salmon just waiting for their turn to go up the river. I sat on the shore just watching the guys fish there for 3 hours or so and they had 5 salmon on between those hours. No wonder why it was so popular. The lower parts were a longer way away from our own camp and there was no easy paths from the main road to those pools. I found out that the easiest way to get there was by a local transfer boat. This is something I needed to keep in mind for the years to come.

Friday and the end of our Norway trip came too fast as always. We hiked back to the car and this time it was much easier as my feet were already getting used to the walking. After packing the car we drove straight to Inari for the last few days of our trip.

My trip was crowned the next day on one of Finlands most known big Browntrout streams called Juutua. I fished with one of my friends for a half day there. We knew nothing of the place so it was pretty much go with your gut type of fishing.

On one of the amazing looking rapids I got a very good size trout to rise on my white marabou muddler but it missed the hit. We tried all sorts of other flies but the fish just wasn't interested at all.

So we gave up and changed places looking for more fish. After a while I found some nice graylings feeding close by and got so involved with them that I didn't realize my friend had already gone to our car and waited me to move to the next location down the river. He called me and told me to get up to the car so I started making my way back. On my way to the car I passed the same place where we so the big brown a little earlier and I had to give it one more go. I took a black marabou muddler and tied it on my five weight rod. First cast about 45 degrees across and the fly swan right where the fish first showed itself. Boom! The fish came through the surface with a huge jump and I felt my line going tight and then the reel started screaming. My rod bent like crazy and backing was flying out of the reels as the beast too down the rapids. It took me awhile to get him to stop and under control. I quickly reach for my phone and called my friend to came and help me to land this thing. Just as I put my phone away the fish got its strength back and made some amazing jumps and then took downstream like a bat out of hell. I was so sure it would get unhook by the jumping and running that I was almost shaking in my waders.

With some luck the hook stayed on and my friend got to the beach with me just in time to help me get it to the net. He did a great job with my little net and landed the fish. I can't tell you guys how happy and thankful I was at that point. 
We took some hero shots and then it was time to put the awesome looking fish back to the river where it belonged. This was a perfect end to the trip as far as the fishing goes.

On our way to the airport we did get some car problems that dampened the mood of the trip a bit but that's another story.